The religion of God is one, and it is the educator of humankind -Abdu’l-Baha.




The religion of God is one, and it is the educator of humankind   -Abdu’l-Baha


Some of us think we do not need the manifestation of God to be spiritually connected. Thinking that each individual is capable of making that connection, and growing on their own spiritually. However what they do not realize is that if it was not for those messengers from God, humanity would still be in total darkness, and behaving just as another animal. God is unknowable, and the only way we can get a clue about his existence, and his wishes for us is through his manifestations. Just as we can only look at the sun through a mirror, and not directly, we can only see God through his reflection on his messengers. They are not just other human beings. Their consciousness is expanded far beyond our own. They come here sacrificing all they have and enduring unimaginable suffering for us to achieve a higher level of awareness. We can deny the sun and say we have our own light, and don’t need it, but the sun shines on everyone unconditionally, and leaves no one in the darkness.