Recognition of the addiction to drama

Recognizing the addiction to drama


Photo by Samantha Weisburg

Some people are subconsciously addicted to drama which makes life harder than it has to be for them, and others around them. They only feel alive when they are sad and suffering or when they are overly excited and very happy. Indeed, the best place for one to function at an optimum level is in the state of pure love, joy, and neutrality.

The vibration of “reason” or “logic” on Dr. David Hawkins’s Map of Consciousness is 400. When our energy is vibrating at this neutral frequency, we are in a good place to make important decisions in our daily lives. This means our energy is not overly positive or overly negative and therefore does not allow our ego or emotions to interfere with the messages we are supposed to receive to help us make our best decision.

Always be mindful to relax and open up to receive the Divine Energy you need to thrive.  Activities that help us relax and open up are prayer and meditation, spending time in nature or with loved ones, listening to our favorite music, and laughter.

By Firoozeh Bowden

Connect with the Light

Connect with the Light

Imagine if you were sitting in a room filled with beautiful things. After dark, if you do not turn on the light, it doesn’t mean all those beautiful things are gone, it just means because there is no light shining on them it is difficult to see them now. Next time you find things difficult, remember to connect with the Light, so you can see and appreciate the beautiful things in your life. ❤

The Surrender of Self

The Surrender of Self
A question often raised is why, after living the spiritual life for some time with periods of harmony and absence of emotional negativity, the suffering often becomes more intense than ever before. It’s something that many people find distressing. So what’s the truth from the inner perception where the knowledge of life is discovered?
The self, which is the mind and emotional body, is a mass of psychic force until transformed through living the spiritual life. When allowed free rein within its kingdom the self doesn’t need to exert unnecessary energy beyond its vital needs, which it extracts from its host body – the person. This it does through the fluctuating emotional reactions that are typical of normal behaviour. But when someone begins to live a more conscious way of life (which is when the focus of intelligence turns inward), the self no longer has things its own way as before. Startled by the sudden intrusion from the light of consciousness on its dark underworld, the self withdraws a little deeper from conscious scrutiny. In this temporary vacuum there is then an inrush of enlightened energy, which is characteristic of spiritual awakening. But it’s not long before the self returns to regain its lost ground within the subconscious space of the psyche.
As the spiritual process unfolds and the individual perseveres in overcoming the insidious nature of the self, more ground is made through the purification of the inner space. The consequences for the self, in no longer having the freedom as before to influence the life, is that it becomes more troublesome since it must now exert more forceful energy to sustain its presence in existence. Unbeknown to the self (since it has no knowledge beyond what’s been experienced in time) is that its body has now been reduced in mass, amplifying its presence as extreme discomfort and pain. In a desperate attempt for attention to experience itself, the core of self frantically bounces from one side of the body to the other; the intense pressure being registered is the self dying and not the man or woman.
The suffering must be borne without self-judgement or trying to understand why it’s happening. This is true humility and a selfless offering to the Most High. It’s to be valiant and one-pointed in the devotion to love and truth. The self is being made to capitulate but will resist all the way when it feels its power is being weakened. With perseverance, the self eventually yields and kneels before the radiance of nothing: the absence of all knowing that is the true altar of God. This obliterates the final taint of wilfulness as the total surrender of self to the Divine Being that resides within.
Finally the self, having been eroded by the unrelenting light of the spirit, has been transformed of its defiant nature. This coincides with the realisation of the state of immortality. The self is now aligned with the one good and serves life at the behest of the Divine Will. The challenge is then to bring the spiritual realisation into the world through the living life. Only in the harsh material environment of the western global society can the inner truth be validated as a completion of a particular phase of the spiritual process.
Lance Kelly
“I created thee rich, why dost thou bring thyself down to poverty? Noble I made thee, wherewith dost thou abase thyself? … Turn thy sight unto thyself, that thou mayest find Me standing within thee, mighty, powerful and self-subsisting.” Baha’i writings

Ideal Life

Ideal Life

We all have dreams and want to achieve certain things in our lives. Often, the life we have created doesn’t look like the one we’ve imagined for ourselves. Sometimes, when we look at other people’s lives, we think, “I wanted that in my life.” What we fail to realize is that many times, those people who seem to have a perfect life might be wishing for the life we have.

We need to remain grateful for every detail of our lives. We must realize where we are in our own life is exactly where we need to be in order to grow spiritually and acquire the Divine Attributes we will need in our next life — in the next realm. Where we are is perfect for achieving our life purpose here. When we are content with what we have, we are able to keep our hearts open, attract and receive what we need to be joyful, thrive, and raise our vibration.

So, next time when you look at someone and are tempted to say “I wish my life was like
that”, examine if you really do want that. Are you willing to make their sacrifices, to see if
that life would indeed be better for you?

Even when in a crisis, always stay relaxed and open to receive the Divine energy that will help
resolve the crisis.

By Firoozeh Bowden





I want to share this beautiful reflection by Rene V. Steiner with you today!

“Plato urged us to “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.” I find it interesting that ‘Abdu’l-Bahá elevates acts of kindness to a duty as simply opposed to an optional “nice-to-do”. We often underestimate the impact such acts can have not only on individuals but, by extension, entire societies. Henry James wrote: “Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind.” Little wonder that the work of organizations such as the World Kindness Movement, Inspire Kindness and the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation resonate with so many — and in recent years, given the current state of the world, these grassroots initiatives are more important than ever. For kindness to be truly effective it must be intentional and, on some level, habitual. According to Leo Tolstoy, “Nothing can make our life, or the lives of other people, more beautiful than perpetual kindness.”
In some respects, kindness is all about suspending judgment of others. Steve Maraboli poses the question: “How would your life be different if … You stopped making negative judgmental assumptions about people you encounter? Let today be the day … You look for the good in everyone you meet and respect their journey.” Easier said than done oftentimes, but something to aspire towards. It turns out that being kind has a variety of scientifically proven benefits. It produces oxytocin (the ‘love hormone’), it boosts energy, it extends one’s lifespan, it stimulates your brain’s pleasure and reward centers giving you ‘helper’s high’ and it stimulates the production of feel-good serotonin.” Tolstoy concluded that “Kindness enriches our life; with kindness mysterious things become clear, difficult things become easy, and dull things become cheerful.”

This limitless universe

“This limitless universe is like the human body, all the members of which are connected and linked with one another with the greatest strength. How much the organs, the members and the parts of the body of man are intermingled and connected for mutual aid and help, and how much they influence one another! In the same way, the parts of this infinite universe have their members and elements connected with one another, and influence one another spiritually and materially.”
~ Abdu’l-Baha ~