7 Reasons Why You Should Journal
























There are many reasons why we need to journal everyday.  Here are just a few of those reasons.


1. Our goals and dreams

When we put down on paper what our goals, both short term and long term are, we give them life and bring them to reality.  It gives us a starting point to achieve what we want.  We are telling the Divine Energy what we want We also create a mirror into which we can look back and recognize that we have achieved more than we realized.


2. Our problems, worries, and fear​

By putting down on paper what our problems, worries, and fears are, we release them from our mind and can confront them.  When we see them on paper they don’t seem as big and it gives us a better perspective on how to resolve them.

When we go back and read them later, we realize there are few problems that can’t be solved and most of our worries and fears never materialize.  Realizing this makes it easier for us to stay positive and not allow our negative feelings to overwhelm our thoughts.

​3. Recording joyous events

When we record our joyous events it makes us happy, and helps us realize that life is worth living.  Later we can look back at all the wonderful moments in our life.


4. Things we are grateful for

When we are tired we tend to snap at others.  Of course we don’t wish to act in such manner but with our daily demands, our energy levels drop.  Our thoughts tend to become negative leading to our consciousness dropping.

By making a list of things for which we are thankful, it helps our heart open up again and our mind to allow Divine Energy to flow through us, restoring our life force.

This brings us peace and the clarity we need to deal with our challenges, and stay happy.  Our loved ones will also appreciate this, which in return will help us have better communication and more loving relationships.

Making a list of things we are grateful for makes us look forward to a brighter future.  When we anticipate a brighter future we act in such a way that makes it possible.

Writing this list helps us stay centered and balanced.



5. Our schedule

Writing down our schedule will not only help us remember our commitments, but also help us remember what we were doing during a specific time.  It will remind us of what worked and what did not, and help us to make our future schedule accordingly.

6. Our thoughts and observations

Being observant makes us more aware of our actions, and their consequences. This helps our consciousness grow.   It also helps our imagination and creativity.

7. Our ideas

When we write down our ideas, we are more likely to follow up and expand on them.  This means more of them will actually manifest and come to fruition.

By Firoozeh Bowden