The Symphony of Life – Stuart Mitchell (Human Genome Music Project)

Imagine how we will sound when all of us on the planet have opened our hearts, praying to Creator to be “united in our views and thoughts, with our purposes harmonized to exalt Thy Word amidst mankind.”
“Thus should it be among the children of men! The diversity in the human family should be the cause of love and harmony, as it is in music where many different notes blend together in the making of a perfect chord. If you meet those of different race and colour from yourself, do not mistrust them and withdraw yourself into your shell of conventionality, but rather be glad and show them kindness. Think of them as different coloured roses growing in the beautiful garden of humanity, and rejoice to be among them.” – ‘Abdu’l-Baha, Paris Talks, October 28, 1911



We adults were born into a world saturated in an old paradigm of religious dogma.  In many ways those teachings were very beautiful for their time.  But humanity needs something more now.  Why?  Because we are evolving.  The “Great Awakening” everyone is talking about is a new level of Truth that humanity is beginning to feel and know.  This is our journey from the head to the heart.  It is our journey from “me” consciousness to “we” consciousness.

I will be referring to All That Is as “God” in this article. Please feel free to replace this name with whatever term you feel comfortable with.

I was raised as a Christian: Sunday church, religious schools… the whole bit.  These teachings were very traditional, and even conservative.  I learned much and I received a solid foundation of spiritual understanding.  I learned that God is love.  I learned to treat my neighbor as I would like to be treated.  I learned to give, and to help, and to serve.  I learned to pray.  It was a beautiful education, and one which shaped who I am.

blissAs I got older, I began to realize that my understanding of God wasn’t really as comforting to me as my religion promised.  My view of God as a punisher/rewarder was causing me pain and blocking my growth.

My idea of hell felt scary, and my prayers weren’t bringing the results I had been told to expect.

My traditional beliefs were sometimes even making me feel bad about myself, about the world, and about God himself.  I was uncomfortable.  I felt guilty.  I saw myself as a failure.  I was angry at God and felt trapped in my body and imprisoned on this harsh place called Earth.

At this point I had two ways to look at things.

Either I was going to make myself bad, wrong and unworthy (again), or I was going to expand my notion of what God is.  So I began searching my heart for new answers. 

I had a great awakening.  My heart burst open and I began to see the world, God, myself and other humans through a new lens of vastly expanded acceptance and love.   As we continue to open to more Truth, we notice that we arrive in various stations of consciousness along the way. The_eye_of_the_Soul

The Great Awakening is opening humanity’s heart to the fullest degree.  And from that open state, new and inspiring realizations are dawning upon people about the nature of God, reality, the universe, and sentient beings everywhere.  These expanded ideas are the cutting edge of human consciousness in our modern time.

When the heart awakens, it KNOWS new things.  These insights are a natural result of the flowering of the heart chakra.  The following are the 11 central spiritual Truths that emerge from an awakened, heart.

1) God (All That IS) is our creator.   He is pure love.  He is capable of presenting himself to humans as personal, but He is, at the same time, impersonal, eternal, and unfathomable. He is all that is in every level of existence, physical and non-physical.  God and his creation are ONE.  There is only one being here.

2) God first created humanity, then WE created the world we’re experiencing and all the drama in it. 

over soul3) All of the world that we see is a dream. In reality, we are still with God in heaven – safe – and we are dreaming all of this.

4) Everything we experience in life is a mirror of our own inner beliefs. God does not get involved with this process. He simply allows it to happen as we dream it up.  This is the meaning of “free will”.

5) God doesn’t reward or punish us.  We do that to ourselves by judging ourselves as “good” or “bad”.  God just loves and accepts us in whatever we choose to be, think or feel.

6) Hell isn’t a place – it’s a state of mind.  It is the state of mind we go into when we veer away from the Truth. It feels bad because we (mistakenly) believe we are separate from God.

7) It’s not God’s job to make sure we feel or know him.  God is always present.  God is always revealing Himself to us.  It’s our job to open to his presence.what-is-your-intention-soul-twin-flame-awaken-L-ffYeac

8)  Prayer is important, but it doesn’t work the way may have been taught.  God doesn’t grant requests.  When we pray for help from God, it opens us to be able to feel His presence.   Things change in our life when we open to His love.  

9)  God is always with us. He does not abandon us.  We are the ones who abandon God. We dream of a world that is scary and separate, forgetting we are in the arms of our beloved at all times. 

10) Just like the traditional religions teach, there are higher worlds than this one. Like the movie, Inception, these worlds look like nesting dolls – a dream within a dream within a dream. 

11)  To move on to the next world after death only takes one thing: forgiveness.  We do not have to be perfect.  We do not have to perform glorious feats of holiness.  We do not have to punish ourselves for mistakes we have made.  We must only forgive.  You’ll know when you’re doing it because you’ll feel acceptance for all things, which brings a feeling of peacefulness.  Forgiveness makes us feel peace.

01-Awakening-Soul-SpiritSo, basically, humanity is on the cusp of learning two things:

1) that we are responsible for our own experience


2) that the only real choice in life is either to love and forgive or not.

I have the power to choose.

I can choose to love and forgive myself instead.

The “Great Awakening” is the process of powering up the Human Heart to its fullest capacity.  For the first time, humanity is ready to engage the heart center to love ourselves fully, forgive ourselves fully, accept others fully, and finally let go of all the shame, guilt, and hell we’ve been living in for thousands of years.


Paige Bartholomew is a Licensed Psychotherapist, Sufi Master Teacher and passionate advocate for the healing of all souls.

The Opposite Of Addiction is Connection

Do Stronger Human Connections Immunise Us Against Emotional Distress?

Right now an exciting new perspective on addiction is emerging. Johann Harri, author of Chasing The Scream, recently captured widespread public interest with his Ted talk Everything You Know About Addiction Is Wrong, where he concluded with this powerful statement:

“The opposite of addiction is not sobriety. The opposite of addiction is connection.”
– Johann Harri

These sentiments are augmented by a growing number of experts, including addiction specialist Dr Gabor Maté, whocites ’emotional loss and trauma’ as the core of addiction. Compare this ’emotional loss’ to Johan Harri’s idea about lack of connection and it is clear they’re talking about a similar emotional condition.

Limbic Resonance

If connection is the opposite of addiction, then an examination of the neuroscience of human connection is in order. Published in 2000, A General Theory Of Love is a collaboration between three professors of psychiatry at the University of California in San Francisco. A General Theory Of Love reveals that humans require social connection for optimal brain development, and that babies cared for in a loving environment are psychological and neurologically ‘immunised’ by love. When things get difficult in adult life, the neural wiring developed from a love-filled childhood leads to increased emotional resilience in adult life. Conversely, those who grow up in an environment where loving care is unstable or absent are less likely to be resilient in the face of emotional distress.

How does this relate to addiction? Gabor Maté observes an extremely high rate of childhood trauma in the addicts he works with and trauma is the extreme opposite of growing up in a consistently safe and loving environment. He asserts that it is extremely common for people with addictions to have a reduced capacity for dealing with emotional distress, hence an increased risk of drug-dependence.

Humans require social connection

How Our Ability To Connect Is Impaired By Trauma

Trauma is well-known to cause interruption to healthy neural wiring, in both the developing and mature brain. A deeper issue here is that people who have suffered trauma, particularly children, can be left with an underlying sense that the world is no longer safe, or that people can no longer be trusted. This erosion (or complete destruction) of a sense of trust, that our family, community and society will keep us safe, results in isolation – leading to the very lack of connection Johann Harri suggests is the opposite of addiction. People who use drugs compulsively do so to avoid the pain of past trauma and to replace the absence of connection in their life.

Social Solutions To Addiction

The solution to the problem of addiction on a societal level is both simple and fairly easy to implement. If a person is born into a life that is lacking in love and support on a family level, or if due to some other trauma they have become isolated and suffer from addiction, there must be a cultural response to make sure that person knows that they are valued by their society (even if they don’t feel valued by their family). Portugal has demonstrated this with a 50% drop in addiction thanks to programs that are specifically designed to re-create connection between the addict and their community.

Human connection is crucial in in the immediate task of clearing trauma

Personal Solutions To Addiction

“Ask not why the addiction, but why the pain.”
– Gabor Maté

Recreating bonds is essential in the long term, but human connection is crucial in in the immediate task of clearing trauma. When a person decides to finally face and feel the pain that they may have been avoiding for years or decades, the first steps cannot be done alone.

“You have to be with that pain, but you have to have support.”
– Gabor Maté

This support is essentially the reintroduction of the care and support which is so important in creating the neural structure of emotional-resilience in early life. By doing so, we begin to replace what was missing, and thanks to the revelationsof neuroplasticity we now know that you can in fact teach an old dog new tricks; neural rewiring is possible in adult life. Though it is essential for addicts to feel supported in order to finally face and feel the pain they have been trying to avoid, this is ultimately an inner journey that must be taken by the individual.

“Whatever you do, don’t try and escape from your pain, but be with it. Because the attempt to escape from pain creates more pain.”
The Tibetan Book Of Living And Dying

The Roots Of Healing

When we are young, our parents care for us until we are able to do it for ourselves, after all they won’t be there to do it for us forever. Perhaps, on an emotional level this is also true: our parents love us so that we may learn to do it for ourselves. The programs in Portugal have demonstrated that addicts do remarkably well when they feel valued by their community. Whether they realise it or not, the Portuguese are creating positive limbic modelling by valuing the addicts so they can learn to value themselves. When people are there to provide loving support for an addict wishing to face the emotional pain they carry, they are loving them and caring for them until they can learn do love themselves. With this in mind, perhaps the neural-wiring of emotional resilience developed through the loving reflection of another, once fully developed, could simply be called self-love.
Johann Hari: Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong