Love Manifests it’s reality in deeds

“Now vengeance, according to reason, is also blameRevengeworthy, because through vengeance no good result is gained by the avenger.

So if a man strikes another, and he who is struck takes revenge by returning the blow, what advantage will he gain? Will this be a balm for his wound or a remedy for his pain?

…In truth the two actions are the same: both are injuries; the only difference is that one occurred first, and the other afterward.

Therefore, if he who is struck forgives, nay, if he acts in a manner contrary to that which has been used toward him, this is laudable.

The law of the community will punish the aggressor but will not take revenge. This punishment has for its end to warn, to protect and to oppose cruelty and transgression so that other men may not be tyrannical.

But if he who has been struck pardons and forgives, he shows the greatest mercy.

This is worthy of admiration.”   ~ ‘Abdu’l-Baha, Some Answered Questions, p. 266


It seems obvious, but …..

file000242429675 An event is multi dimensional. When people recall their experience of an event, argument, fight etc. and there are a lot of discrepancies, it does not mean some of them are necessarily lying. It just means they are describing everything from their perspective and through their own filters. So lets not rush to judgment, and call them a liar. In order for us to assess a situation, and decide who was at fault if anyone, we need to hear everyone’s viewpoint who was present at the event, and put together that multidimensional picture of the event. So next time someone starts to tell you about this thing that happened to them, just keep in mind you don’t have all the facts to make a judgment!