Spiritual growth, real Heaven and Hell

Spiritual growth, real Heaven and Hell
From my perspective, as we grow spiritually, expand our consciousness, and raise our vibration, we leave one dimension and enter another one. We might drop our vibration at times and visit the old dimension, but we must be aware to immediately take action to raise our vibration, through meditation, prayer, or anything that brings us joy, otherwise we risk getting stuck there again for a while. I believe that is what the messengers of God were trying to tell us when they talked about Heaven and Hell. I believe we put ourselves in either state, depending on our actions, emotions, and outlook.
When I am experiencing something that makes me joyful, I say thank you, and imagine, what if I have died and this is what Heaven is. This perspective usually keeps me on a high vibration, and I manifest things that I want easily and more loving, peaceful and joyful experiences come my way. I have also experienced the opposite, and I do not recommend it! 🙂
So always be mindful of the frequency of your vibration! 
Map of consciousness  https://veritaspub.com/product/map-of-consciousness-dr-david-hawkins/
Firoozeh Bowden

Do we need Religion?

Do we need Religion?

At this time on our planet, a small number of individuals with a higher consciousness, and control over their own ego, and animal instincts, are able to stay connected and have the discipline to do the right thing. Specially now that humanity is no longer in the childhood stage and has entered adolescence. However majority of us still need those manifestations of God, who appear every 800-1000 years to bring the information that we were not able to comprehend before, and also lead us back to the path that we have wondered off of by adding our own variations to the teachings, and corrupting the original Word of God, which creates disunity among us. All of this is the reason we are facing all the volatility and the change in the material world right now, which mirrors our spiritual state. We are growing and awakening. As we inquire more Divine attributes, with the help of Divine Messengers, who are like perfect mirrors shinning the Divine light on us, humanity will become more noble, and grow closer to The Creator, and the station which God intended for it to have. Firoozeh Bowden

Religion in the Modern World
by Vargha Taefi

The Baha’i Faith has upset the world’s equilibrium and revolutionized mankind’s ordered life. It is not an organised religion. It is an organic faith.

The problem with organised religion is not that it is organised; the problem is that it is not organised enough. The Baha’i Faith has revolutionized the concept of religion. It offers an alternative to organised religion: “organic faith.”

Religion in the Modern World
by Vargha Taefi
While religion slowly loses its grip on humanity, many people are losing faith, in particular, in organised religion. The organised nature of religion has been taking the blame for this disillusionment.
Many who reject organised religion do not object the teachings. They, however, find no meaning in the rituals and cannot commit to the religious dogma by which they feel limited, shaped, forced, or used. Those who do not give up on spirituality altogether, pursue their own individual religion or brand of spirituality.

Organised religion, functioning as a social institution, systematically establishes and formally sets belief systems. Some characteristics of organised religion are an official doctrine, a hierarchy, a set of rituals, and defined regulations and codes of conduct.

Some argue that in organised religion organisation itself becomes the religion and administration precedes faith. It serves as a means of social control through power centralized in an authority. It is characterized by an absence of thinking and inability to question principles. Some beliefs are illogical and some teachings unscientific. It often has professional proselytizers who force their belief on others. It divides people into believers – who are ‘saved’ – and non-believers – who are doomed. Insisting on finality, it rejects other knowledge and exclusively claims all truth.
They believe organised religion is the corruption of religion. It has often spread oppression, violence, blind imitation, and ignorance. Adopted as a state ideology, it is sometimes used to mobilize people, rule them, and win votes. It employs faith in service of politics.

Others discuss that organisation is not necessarily evil. For instance, science is highly organised. Organisation in society is, similarly, admirable. Organisation is inherent in man. Human beings self-organize to live in society.
The problem arises when social institutions and structures – and not religion – we rely on to organize our affairs embed and perpetuate oppression, inequality, violence, superiority, paternalism, competition, etc. Social structures can equally employ science to institutionalize oppression, greed and competition.

Examples of the corruption of science include ‘apologetic science’ proving predetermined hypotheses, ‘ordered science’ researching what industry’s funds dictate not what humanity needs – such as some pharmaceutical researches – and fanatical attachment to a theory even after its falsification – for instance Darwinian evolution. Consider ‘economic man theory’ as another example. An axiomatic article for many social disciplines for decades, this concept portrays humans as self-interested agents seeking to maximize their profits through competition. Such is the definition of rationality. What evidence led scientists to such sweeping conclusions? Nevertheless, we do not blame ‘organised science’ for our social tragedies.

Similarly, current social structures, neglecting the spiritual reality of the existence of humanity, are constructed to correspond only to its material nature. Consequently, social institutions such as government, economy, media, and educational system are erected on the foundations of competition, domination, and greed, and serve to perpetuate such. The elements of such constructs manifest themselves in various ills of our social life. At the heart of war, failure of political systems and violation of human rights is competition. Dominance leads to inequality between women and men, and dictatorship. Greed results in the economic crises, and extremes of wealth and poverty. Social structures not recognizing the spiritual reality of humanity institutionalize disunity, injustice, and inequality. Yet, we do not hold ‘organised society’ responsible for our social disintegration.

It is evident, then, that organisation is not the root cause of our ills. We need a kind of organisation that embeds unity and justice in social structures.

Likewise, we should not mistake the organisation that religion proposes through its essential verities with the natural self-organisation of its followers that concerns the exigencies of time and place. Equally, we should not confuse the deeds of adherents with the teachings of religion.

Because of the corruption, superstition, and fanaticism that religious institutions have demonstrated, we doubt and reject any manifestation of authority and structure. This vacuum allows individuals to take the matters into their own hands. Our permissive attitude allows opportunistic religious leaders, utilizing the out-dated social structures, to serve personal or political interest and bring religion into disrepute.
The problem with organised religion, then, is not that it is organised. The problem, rather, is that it is not organised enough.

What needs organizing is not the individual’s affairs, enjoining good, and forbidding wrong. It is, rather, the empowerment of the individual to read and understand the application and implication of the revealed religious text. It is to facilitate the collective effort of a community to build capacity to systematically translate revelation into reality through the process of study, consultation, action, and reflection.

Among the world’s major religions in this regard, one is particularly striking. The Baha’i Faith not only is not ‘organised’, it is not a ‘religion’ either …. Having revolutionized the concept of religion and the relationships that sustain society, it offers a blueprint for a future world civilization.


In the Baha’i Faith, administration does not take priority over faith. Baha’i institutions are democratically elected councils or appointed individuals. Their role is to encourage action, foster individual initiative, and promote learning within the Baha’i community as a whole. They invigorate individual and collective efforts to contribute to the well being of society. In the Baha’i elections, electioneering, campaigning, nominations, and parties are prohibited.


The Baha’i Faith has no clergy and no professional learned class. With humanity at the threshold of its collective maturity, the Baha’i Faith encourages everyone to read, understand and apply the divine teachings individually, and without intermediaries. In Baha’i spirituality, there is a direct and personal connection between the individual and the creator. In organised religion, interpreting the holy text, prayer, and compensation for sins have been traditionally conducted through the religious institution. The Baha’i Faith abolishes the inter mediating role of the religious institution in individual spirituality. Grassroots consultation – a consensus-based system of decision-making – replaces the age-old institution of clergy.


The Baha’i Faith maintains that religion, without science, soon degenerates into superstition and fanaticism. It suggests that if religion is opposed to reason and science, faith is impossible. A belief not in line with reason is ignorant superstition, not faith.


The Baha’i Faith does not claim to be the exclusive harbinger of truth or seal all knowledge. It, rather, proposes that spiritual reality is revealed progressively over time to suit the needs of humanity in different times and places. Likening religion to nature, it suggests all religions must be replaced after living through their life cycle.


A core principle of the Baha’i Faith is independent investigation of truth. Faith is not hereditary or automatic. No one is born a Baha’i. Children born to Baha’i parents are required to prove their independent investigation in adulthood should they decide to register as Baha’is.

Dividing line

In organised religion, the followers identify themselves by their organisational label over their faith and distinguish themselves from the public at large. The Baha’i Faith considers all humanity moving along the same path towards one universal cause, one common faith. It diminishes the sharp line between the believers and non-believers.


There is no ritual, ceremony, or specific clothing in the Baha’i Faith. Baha’is of every race and culture practice their belief differently. Unity in diversity is the Baha’i way of life. The Baha’i Faith has abolished congregation. It encourages people to commune with their creator in their own privacy.


In a far-reaching assertion, the Baha’i Faith scrutinizes its own validity unprecedented in religion. It states that religion must be the cause of love and fellowship. Should it become the cause of contention and enmity, its absence is preferable.


The above statement is particularly remarkable in the context of the dialectic of religion and change in religious history. While organised religion is notoriously resistant to change and reform, the Baha’i Faith embraces change. In fact, it has institutionalized change by establishing the Universal House of Justice, its highest governing body, to this very end – to enact and abrogate laws and ordinances according to the changes and requirements of the time.


Unlike organised religion, the Baha’i Faith is not prescriptive in following set methods and procedures. It does not instill fear in its followers to induce obedience, nor does it depict an ill fate for transgression. The Baha’i Faith encourages its adherents to observe its principles as a natural manifestation of their love. The laws are few and general, and their application is often left to the individual judgement. One need not follow all the teachings perfectly before registering as a Baha’i. The level of their observance will naturally grow commensurate with one’s understanding, love, and commitment. The Baha’i Faith prohibits imposing beliefs. It encourages guidance in deeds. It eliminates conformity by imitation and passive participation, and inspires learning in action. The Baha’i Faith is a lenient faith.

The Baha’i Faith has upset the world’s equilibrium and revolutionized mankind’s ordered life. It is not an organised religion. It is an organic faith.

Author bio: Vargha Taefi is interested in religion and politics. He has done a PhD in politics, and has published and presented a number of interdisciplinary research works on process philosophy, just war, consensus decision-making, comparative religion, human rights in Iran, genocide, coercive diplomacy, diplomatic signalling, terrorism, generation of knowledge, and the Baha’i Faith.

If you are not happy being single, you will not be happy in a relationship

If you are not happy being single, you will not be happy in a relationship


By Firoozeh Bowden, January 2019

Now that we have started a new year I would like to share something with my frustrated single friends who seem to end one relationship only to start another one that is very similar to the last one, and doomed to fail from the beginning!


Imagine if you lived and worked on the 15th floor of a high rise, and only had close contact with others who lived on your level. You saw others who lived above and bellow you on the same building come and go, but could not have any close contact with them. Our lives are very similar to this scenario. Perhaps if you take a look at the Vibration chart in Dr David Hawkins’ book “Power VS Force” that I will post below, it will become clearer.

We are all essentially energy, vibrating at different frequencies. Depending on our emotional state our vibration changes and can go up if we are joyful, exited or feel love, or go down if we feel rejected, angry, unlovable, etc. There is a vibration that ​each one of us​ tend to spend most of our time in during the day. That vibration is the floor where ​you​ reside in that imaginary high rise.

Most of your meaningful contacts and the ones who play a role in your life, have similar vibration to you. That is why it is extremely important to always be mindful of your mood and feelings. That is why we are told in the holy books to stay joyful regardless of our circumstances. Our vibration not only attracts certain people to us, but also determines the events in our lives. The universe wants to give us what we want. If we say I will never find happiness in my life or be successful, guess what the universe gives you? If you are positive and only project positive thoughts and plans for your future, and have total faith and trust, staying open, that is what you will receive.

So for someone who mistrusts others, is jealous, gets angry and violent, or likes being a victim, and in high drama, doesn’t it make sense that they would only attract the same kind of person to themselves over and over, unless they do some work on themselves, and learn to change their behavior and their outlook on life?

When we grow spiritually and permanently change our vibration, it is as if we move up to a higher level on that high rise. We also meet and attract healthier people who are more conscious of their behavior, and their thoughts. When two people who have done a lot of soul searching and released a lot of old baggage, and negative energy they have been caring around meet, it is like two peaces of puzzle coming together. There is no conflict or drama, no games, only total honesty and immense, true, everlasting. unconditional love. The reason this is so rare and hard to find for most people is because they have no clue how to get there. That is why I am sharing this with you.


Everyone wants to be loved, and be happy. Unfortunately most people have had bad role models, and examples of what a loving couple is. The secret is to improve ourselves first. I see a lot of people jump from one relationship to another without giving themselves anytime to reflect or heal. We all need some alone time after a relationship with a loved one ends to find ourselves again, and see where we are and what we want. Sometimes talking to a friend, a coach or a counselor helps to give you a better perspective.

So please take a look at the vibration chart, and even better, if you have time, read Dr Hawkins’ book “Power VS Force”, and stay mindful of the frequency of your vibration.


Good luck. May you find that wonderful unconditional love of your life. Firoozeh Bowden

P.S. These universal laws don’t just apply to single people. Anyone who is looking for peace, love, joy, etc in their life should be mindful of their vibration at all times.

​This is one of my favorite prayers that helps a lot at times of difficulty and crises ;

O God!
Refresh and gladden my spirit. Purify my heart. Illumine my powers. I lay all my affairs in Thy hand. Thou art my Guide and my Refuge. I will no longer be sorrowful and grieved; I will be a happy and joyful being. O God! I will no longer be full of anxiety, nor will I let trouble harass me. I will not dwell on the unpleasant things of life.
O God! Thou art more friend to me than I am to myself. I dedicate myself to Thee, O Lord.


I release…. (ancient blessing created in the Nahuatl language)

“I release my parents from the feeling that they have already failed me.

I release my children from the need to bring pride to me; that they may write their own ways according to their hearts, that whisper all the time in their ears.

I release my partner from the obligation to complete myself. I do not lack anything, I learn with all beings all the time.

I thank my grandparents and forefathers who have gathered so that I can breathe life today. I release them from past failures and unfulfilled desires, aware that they have done their best to resolve their situations within the consciousness they had at that moment. I honor you, I love you and I recognize you as innocent.

I am transparent before your eyes, so they know that I do not hide or owe anything other than being true to myself and to my very existence, that walking with the wisdom of the heart, I am aware that I fulfill my life project, free from invisible and visible family loyalties that might disturb my Peace and Happiness, which are my only responsibilities.

I renounce the role of saviour, of being one who unites or fulfills the expectations of others.

Learning through, and only through, LOVE, I bless my essence, my way of expressing, even though somebody may not understand me.

I understand myself, because I alone have lived and experienced my history; because I know myself, I know who I am, what I feel, what I do and why I do it.

I respect and approve myself.
I honor the Divinity in me and in you.
We are free.”

(This ancient blessing was created in the Nahuatl language, spoken in Mexico. It deals with forgiveness, affection, detachment and liberation).

~Jolenny Piedra

6 Tricks To Shift Your Mental Focus From Negative To Positive

6 Tricks To Shift Your Mental Focus From Negative To Positive

Even if you’re not directly affected by external negative forces, your past programming may catch you off guard.

A positive mind helps raise your vibration. Having a higher vibration helps you align yourself with your purpose and your higher self.

But then, having a positive perspective isn’t always easy. There are a lot of things around that could take away your focus.

Even if you’re not directly affected by external negative forces, your past programming may catch you off guard. And there you are again focusing on thoughts that drain your energy without your awareness.

Being always aware of your thoughts is key, but it would take a lot of effort on your part. There’s no need to worry, though. There are tricks that you can employ to shift your negative mental focus into a positive one.

For some, one trick does it. But if it isn’t enough, you can employ two or more.

Use these tricks often to stay positive until they become a habit.
Once they become your habit, you can still stay grounded even during the hard knocks of life.

6 Tricks To Shift Your Mental Focus To Positive:

1. Look for the most beautiful sight around you.
Seeing a true beauty like a sunset or sunrise simply shifts your focus to a more positive one.

When they’re not accessible, gaze around you and find something beautiful, such as a smiling person, a beautiful flower, a car of your favorite color, or a lovely couple.

Anything that touches your soul has the power to raise your vibes and shift your perception.

2. Recall happy memories.
When you catch yourself thinking negatively or feeling low, think of some happy memories.

They might be a moment at a party, having your first pet, climbing a tree for the first time, the arrival of a new family member, something you thought was serious but now is funny.

Recalling even one happy memory is enough to shift your thinking and feeling into a positive one.

3. Look forward to some exciting activity you want to do in the future.
Planning something to do in the future is fun and exciting. You feel the thrill just by thinking of it.

So, when you have a hard time shaking off some negative thoughts, try to look forward to your future plans.

It must be exciting to see yourself enjoying your most awaited vacation. This not only shifts your mental focus but also increases your vibration.

4. Make a gratitude list.
When your mind dwells on the negative things in life, your focus is mostly on the things that you don’t have or want to avoid.

Take yourself away from this place by listing down the things that you’re most grateful for. As you do this you shift from a place of scarcity to a place of abundance.

List as many as you’d like until you feel your mind vibrates from a positive space. This will show you how much you really have but tend to ignore.

5. Imagine being hugged by the people you love.
Being hugged by someone you love is one of the most beautiful feelings there is in the world. But if it’s not available, use your mind.

Visualize yourself being hugged by someone you love. Feel the warmth of that loving embrace and imagine what you would say to your loved one.

You can also imagine hugging your pet, your friends, and anybody you care about. Your thoughts will instantly shift and your emotions will become loving and positive.

6. Stop what you are doing, breathe, and come to the present moment.
When you feel negative emotions and negative thoughts rush through your mind, just stop. Take a look around you, try to sense what you feel, breathe. Breathe deeply for a minute.

This will bring you to the present moment and the present moment will remind you of your power. Reminding yourself of your personal power will shift your mental focus into positive.

You may not have the power to control the thoughts that come into your mind, but you do have the power and ability to choose what you want to focus on.

This article was published with kind permission from lifecoachcode.com.

“My home is the home of peace. My home is the home of joy and delight. My home is the home of laughter and exultation. Whosoever enters through the portals of this home, must go out with gladsome heart. This is the home of light; whosoever enters here must become illumined.” Baha’i Faith