Difference in Empath, Intuitive, Psychic, Medium and Healer

Healer:A healer has the ability to “see” the person as a whole greater then the sum of their parts. The healer’s job is to help remove blocks to an individual’s growth. It is now an accepted fact that humans are electromagnetic beings. All illness results from the lowering of body frequencies below that necessary to maintain homeostasis. By raising the frequencies and aligning the various bodies, all the fields come into coherence. That is health. 

Energy Healing has been around forever and is one of the most ancient healing techniques you can use to keep your body in a balanced and healthy state. The ancients were aware of the psychological and physical effects we experience from our own thoughts, from other people, and from invisible forces from “out there.” Alternative energy healing includes these psychological and spiritual realms as well as the physical. Session Tips:

  • Open mind :Come into the reading with open mind and no expectations
  • Hear the answer, even if it’s not the one answer you want
  • Be Ready to do Your Work, use the information given to work on self
  • Find the Right Reader, example want to talk to deceased persons choose a medium, want healing choose a healer, etc.
  • Readers give guidance, you are responsible for making your own choices
  • The future is Fluid and is always changing, as people’s thoughts and actions affect it. A reader will tell you the most likely outcome if nothing changes.
  • Readers reflect back the information we receive, sometimes we get the information but the interpretation maybe askew, if it doesn’t seem quite right ask us to clarify
  • If we don’t satisfactorily answer your question or it doesn’t seem complete, ask us to elaborate
  • Mediums cannot make the deceased answer your call, it may not be the right time to connect
  • Readings are meant to EMPOWER you and to help you heal. You are still responsible for your choices.
  • Readers are neutral. We do not give you our opinions, judgments or advise, we simply offer our insights and intuition. Please take the information we give to you, match it with your own intuition and inner knowing and make your own informed decisions.