What happens when we pray for someone?

What happens when we pray for someone?


Regardless of if you’re a religious person or not, when a loved one is ill or going through some kind of crisis, we usually say something like “they are in our thoughts and prayers”.

Energetically what this means is; we are keeping them in sort of a bubble of light and creating space around them and holding that space for them to relax and open up, because when we are AFRAID or in pain we tend to contract and shield ourselves from the outside, so we don’t get hurt more. This way they can allow and receive the Divine Healing Energy they so desperately need to have a full and quick recovery.

Unfortunately, some people misunderstand this and think they have to give the other person their own energy. Not only does this involve our ego, but also it leaves us depleted and worn out. Not to mention the energy we give them is second-hand, and not what they need.

So when we say shine the light through your heart to others, we are not talking about your light and energy, but saying stay in the flow of Divine Energy and allow it to come through your heart, and by staying like a Hollow Reed free of ego, share that pure fresh energy with the other person, to nourish and recharge them.

By Firoozeh Bowden
