Nobody really talks about this



Thank you Natalie Kridler Benoit for this post. 

Dana Paxson commented;

It can be too easy to look around at others (and at oneself) and ask: Why isn’t anyone acting on all the alarming challenges we all face? Why does all the energy seem to come from the chaotic, the ignorant, the malicious, the discordant? Why can’t we make things better?
But these anguished questions miss an important point. Those who have endured trauma and come to stillness in healing from it are acting on the alarming challenges in the only effective way. Their stillness is not merely a convalescence. It is an exemplary path to peace, unity, harmony, and understanding. Stillness is where true growth and advancement begin. Our vital energies build in the stillness and manifest themselves gently, insistently, unendingly, punctuated only now and then by the dramatic, traumatic upheavals that elevate us into a new realm of stillness altogether.
While the ignorant and malicious trample and flail about, those in the stillness, healing from the traumas inflicted on them, engender our future. As we gain understanding and abandon malice, the stillness fills us, and we heal. We all deserve to heal because, from our successive cycles of trauma and healing, the world advances toward enduring light.