Open your heart before it breaks again!

BreakOpen your heart before it breaks again!

Our hearts are meant to stay open and exposed to the Divine Light at all times to receive the life force we need to thrive and grow like a healthy plant. Unfortunately when faced with the challenges of life, we tend to close our hearts and put up a protective shield around them to “protect” them from hurting. This also keeps the Divine Light and the source of our Energy from reaching us, which causes our hearts to atrophy. At this point the only way we can reach the light is for a heart breaking experience to happen. thus shattering the shield and our hearts into pieces. At that point, we must start all over with the broken pieces and rebuild.

To avoid this painful process, we should keep our hearts open through daily meditation, prayer, and deep breathing. When we keep ourselves aligned with the light, our hearts remain open and peaceful.

You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens. ― Rumi

By Firoozeh Bowden