The Core belief


The Core belief

The Core belief that you are not worthy of love, of God or of evening existing is your biggest challenge in life. This core belief is the Mother of all the negative beliefs that are in your unconscious mind hijacking your perception.

The core belief will try and get you to focus on all the secondary beliefs that it has spawned in order for you to not focus on it, but I tell you now that you mustconnect every negative belief with this core to weaken it.

Don’t take this process so seriously however because believing you need to is just another negative belief! Lighten up on the entire process, and even treat the negative beliefs as friends as they are giving you the contrast you need in order for you to consciously see who it is you do prefer to be.

Its all there to help you, to serve you and when Christ said Love your enemies, he wasn’t just talking about people, but negative beliefs also. When you love something you make it not your enemy, but an intrinsic part of your being. To make anything an enemy is to split yourself in two and when you split yourself in two, you can never be whole within yourself.

-Craig Woods