There is a reason for everything that exists in creation

Rattlesnake in tall grass.

Everything in the cosmos has a purpose. Even, certain politicians, annoying people, venomous snakes (and other harmful creatures), pesky mosquitos… They all push our buttons so we can see and examine ourselves, working to heal or correct our behaviors, and grow from the experience. Remember, sometimes that venom is also medicine, and other people’s bad behaviors can act as a mirror for our development.

“Consider the human eye. Though it hath the faculty of perceiving all created things, yet the slightest impediment may so obstruct its vision as to deprive it of the power of discerning any object whatsoever. Magnified be the name of Him Who hath created, and is the Cause of, these causes, Who hath ordained that every change and variation in the world of being be made dependent upon them. Every created thing in the whole universe is but a door leading into His knowledge, a sign of His sovereignty, a revelation of His names, a symbol of His majesty, a token of His power, a means of admittance into His straight Path.…” Bahá’u’lláh

Always remember, there is a reason for everything that exists, even if we can’t understand it, at this time. 😁🙏
Sending all of you love, and light,