Unity in Diversity

‘Unity in Diversity

Unity in diversity is a natural phenomenon – a universal law if you like that governs and typifies the basic and fundamental characteristic of all natural living systems. All living organisms and closely tied in to their environment and form a reciprocal relationship with it. Without this unity, ecosystems would disintegrate and collapse.

The paradigm for human development, on the other hand, has not followed this basic, but natural pattern. Since our primordial and initial stages of development and until recently, mankind has followed a fragmented and isolationist, exclusive, patterns of development. Countries and nations sought supremacy over others, and over the very natural environment they so critically depend upon. Such a old world order approach is now giving way to a new and more advanced, an holistic, approach.

Unity in diversity, in terms of human development turns out to be the magic catalyst that would usher in the New Age of Collective Consciousness. That we are a single species, belonging to a unified race of Homo sapiens, inhabiting a unique planet with abundant but not unlimited, resources and sharing a common destiny has become clear.

As a concept this is all fine and good, and a germane to the transition that we are all witnessing the world over. How, therefore, does this translate into actions on the individual level? How does this new paradigm affect our communities? Which patterns need to be established to engage our institutions into this mode of operation?

Looking into the world of nature is always fascinating and insightful. If we consider that life on earth arose some 3.5 billion years ago, then it would be logical to assume that life today on this beautiful and blessed planet of ours, has matured and reached a very complex state – with manifold and intensely interlinked connections and dependencies. Would it not follow that the examples we see in nature represent vast stores of knowledge and if we consider Gaia as a ‘living’ entity then she is full of wisdom and experience!

So long as our development patterns deviate from, or defeat these natural patterns we are sure to see backlashes and serious consequences in terms of environmental degradation, climate change and so on. Our attitudes and our vision has, for the last several thousand years been based upon inward, selfish, and egocentric drives – basically a projection of the inner state of man. We must thrive at the expense of others. However, this narrow and child-like quality, while responsible for the majority of our ills, has to come to an end when we as a species come of age. We are now emerging from this confused state and see another state where questions are being put forward not only by individuals but by the masses. We recognize the futile and blind-ended approach our civilization currently is taking, and at the same time desperately searching for more viable and more sustainable patterns.

Where does unity come into this quest? Diversity is a natural law – in nature this is a desirable, indeed a highly prized quality. Variations in the gene pool are what makes species successful and endows adaptability and enhances survival under new conditions.

Humanity is going through new conditions, some which have been caused by its own actions, whether directly or indirectly, while others are the result of the march of time …. Forces which are beyond our control and we are finally coming to terms with and appreciating as the Divine Will and Plan for mankind. The world of man is not apart from the world of nature, and while unity in diversity is a common natural law, it equally must sooner or later become expressed into our development – this is the natural order of the universe. If we do not adapt and evolve we become extinct.

The new state of mankind is that where unity is achieved as a result of its diversity becoming the de facto consideration. From the family unit right across our community infrastructures, our regional institutions, national governments and international bodies. How do we welcome this unity into our minds and consciousness? In nature this law is expressed via mechanistic and collective interactions that we as thinking and cognizant being must internalize and SELECT consciously. This is NOT and automatic process governed by physics, chemistry or biology. We therefore must surpass these basic levels of interactions and what we have that is unique is our spiritual capacity.

In the words of Bahá’u’lláh, the Most Noble Soul to have ever drawn breath on earth:

“The well-being of mankind, its peace and security, are unattainable unless and until its unity is firmly established. This unity can never be achieved so long as the counsels which the Pen of the Most High hath revealed are suffered to pass unheeded.”

Endowed with a probing mind, intelligence and a soul that is conscious and aware, inherently light seeking and yet potentially light reflecting, unity becomes a new state of existence. It must become our currency of thought, the syllables of our language, the rhythm of our music, the theme of our songs, the equations of our science and the new glorious color of humanity.’

Sam Saté-Askew