Your headaches might be spiritual

Your headaches might be spiritual

I noticed that when I am doing a lot of spiritual work on myself, I tend to get headaches. Can the spiritual work and the headaches be related?

Question from: Susan Noss, CO

If you are raising your vibration through deeper spiritual awakening, you could be experiencing a pineal gland headache. They are varying in magnitude and usually last less than one day, but can last for up to five days. Five days is rare and is usually triggered by intense emotional release work coupled with several life-changing perspective shifts that have occurred in a short time frame.

During vibrational increases, the pineal gland swells with activity triggering responses from the limbic system, which may result in the release of trauma from your past, while activating the DNA codons of the light body or crystalline form. You cannot skip or step around this process as it is part of the evolutionary matrix that synchronizes your new vibrational spectrum with a new thought process and a new point of perspective, which will change the way you view and interact with life. Your physical form must also adjust to hold the higher vibrations.

These pineal headaches are usually accompanied by fogginess in your thought process and in more intense cases, feeling disconnected and off kilter in body, spirit, and mind. At this point, you are pushing the veil to higher consciousness, but have not yet penetrated it. Your vibration is increasing, and when successful, you will emerge through to the other side of the veil. This process can be quickened by consciously envisioning light around the pineal gland and seeing it expand. Increasing your water and electrolyte intake will lessen the severity of your symptoms. Eventually you will pop through the veil and awaken to a new level of consciousness or enlightenment.

Your headache and symptoms will subside. You will find yourself thinking more clearly and begin acting differently. Your perspectives will seem to be coming from a new, more loving source. You might be experiencing: a deeper faith, more compassion, greater patience, expansive intuition, psychic connection (ability to channel or read energy fields), improved flow in your life and projects, a more intimate connection with Beloved, the capacity to love a little bit more, or a heightened sense of creativity, just to name a few.

Not every headache is a pineal headache, but if you are engaged in growing spiritually, it is most likely of a pineal origin. You could call them spiritual growing pains and look forward to the wonderful transformation that they bring – a brighter more connected you.

If you have a spiritual question, you can submit it here and it might just be the next article.

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