Heart break

Heart break HeartBreakFBP
When we experience pain (physical or emotional), and witness others suffer, we call this “our heart breaking”, although it is just the crust we tend to build around our heart that cracks open. This will allow us to break through that crust, and grow a bigger, more compassionate and loving heart. I believe our main purpose in this life is to share love and help each other grow closer to our creator. If we were all perfect, and did not need anything, it would not be possible for us to connect at a deep level, and maintain our humility. Our egos would take over, and we would become materialistic animals looking only for our own pleasure, in a meaningless, lonely life. This is very obvious in parts of our society that is focused on the material world today.
So as you see these experiences are not negative, but instead are vital parts of our spiritual growth.

“O SON OF SPIRIT! My first counsel is this: Possess a pure, kindly and radiant heart, that thine may be a sovereignty ancient, imperishable and everlasting.” Bahá’u’lláh,The Hidden Words

“O SON OF MY HANDMAID! Didst thou behold immortal sovereignty, thou wouldst strive to pass from this fleeting world. But to conceal the one from thee and to reveal the other is a mystery which none but the pure in heart can comprehend.” Bahá’u’lláh,The Hidden Words

Firoozeh Bowden

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