The life of an Empath, and how to protect yourself, if you are one.

The life of an Empath, and how to protect yourself, if you are one.

The only way Empaths can protect themselves from darkness, is to always stay connected to the inexhaustible Divine source of Light and Energy. When we embody the Divine light and shine out to all around us, not only do we help them out of darkness, but also prevent any darkness from reaching us. If Empaths try to protect themselves by shielding themselves, and building an armor around their heart, not only the negative energy, but also the Divine Light (that we all need to thrive) is prevented from getting in. Stay open, connected, and shine.

This is one of the very short prayers that helps me do that.

O God, guide me, protect me, make of me a shining lamp and a brilliant star. Thou art the Mighty and the Powerful. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá


Original video is by Eleonora Stella Hariyono OeiGo Like & Follow ↓↓

Posted by Cosmic Vibe on Wednesday, December 19, 2018