
Were it not for tests, pure gold could not be distinguished from the impure. Were it not for tests, the courageous could not be separated from the cowardly. Were it not for tests, the people of faithfulness could not be known from the disloyal. 
― `Abdu’l-Bahá, Divine Art of Living, page 87.

We get stronger and grow through test and difficulties.  It is through tests that we are able to build our character, and appreciate what we have. Without the darkness we would not recognize the light. If we did not experience discomfort and live without, we would not be grateful for all that we have and be able to truly enjoy it. Test and difficulties give us perspective and depth that we would not have otherwise.  Being able to recognize what we are going through, and not panicking helps us release the negative emotions, pain,  and discomfort so we can move through the lesson, and the test without suffering. 970235_602807266417535_1057597914_n

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