The Independent Investigation of Truth

Indep.inv.The Independent Investigation of Truth is one of nine of the central tenants of the Baha’i Faith. As a child I remember wondering why it was important enough to be one of the nine central themes of this age – since the Baha’i Faith is under 200 years young and therefore has to address the needs of the modern world. Well these days, one minute of popular television should be enough to convince anyone that sanity in this day and age REQUIRES a healthy disbelief of anything that you haven’t found to be true FOR YOURSELF! Now some things just feel true . . . to the die-hard skeptics out there I cant explain that beyond the fact that brain-gym teaches us that truth definitely has a completely different tone to UNtruth and our bodies respond very definitely to it, so I admit sometimes I just KNOW a truth without needing to fact-check, but whatever your method of truth-detection, make sure your filters are strongly reinforced. The Founders afterall didn’t “say independently investigate all truth except what’s reported on the news”. If there’s something to be gained in misrepresenting facts, it will be done so being street, net or life -wise in this day and age means asking ALL the questions, sometimes twice, and even then, keep going until you KNOW you have the truth! The truth really will set us all free . . . and yes, first it will probably pi** us off! Natalie-Ann Powell


As Dr. David Howkins says in “Power VS Force” The cells in our body are designed to respond positively to the Truth and Negatively to anything that is False in the Universe! He has measured after years of research what emotions are True and which ones are False, Which ones bring us closer to our Source and Light, and which ones take us away from it. In this “Map of consciousness” he shows us which emotions bring our vibration up, and expand our consciousness, and which ones bring the vibration of our Energy down and close us up, and prevents the Divine Light from reaching us.

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