What is stress?


What is stress?Cat

Stress is the tension between ‘what is’ in this moment, and your image of how this moment ‘should’ be.

Stress is a narrow focus on a mental list of ‘things to do’, an imaginary burden of ‘all the things that haven’t been done yet’.

Stress always involves future-thinking, a forgetting of the Ground of Grounds – this moment, here, now.

When the focus shifts away from what is not present, to what is present, from ‘lack’ to what is fully here, and instead of trying to complete a seemingly endless list of a thousand things, you simply do the next thing, the thing that presents itself, with your full attention and passion, lists get completed effortlessly, without stress – and even if they don’t, creative solutions are found.

Relax. You are not the doer.

– Jeff Foster

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