We can’t change others

We can’t change others



















I recently received this note from someone who was feeling discouraged and alone in response to this poster.

… “ I try to do that in my community and all I see from a few is no respect no love and less admiration. I don’t get invited to do anything with any of them. I’m single and that has something to do with it…”
My response was…I am so sorry you are having a hard time. We cannot change other people’s behavior.  We can only improve our own, and make sure we do not get offended.  As you know everyone is in a different level of consciousness.  Becoming a Baha’I or perusing any other spiritual path, does not automatically guarantee that the person suddenly becomes a noble human being!  When we are sick, we are not automatically cured the minute we walk in to a hospital.  We are all learning to behave better together.  If we were perfect, our job in this world would be done, and we would ascend to the next realm.
Abdu’l Baha says we need to only look at the good qualities of others and ignore their negative traits. This is the only way we will have unity and reach world peace.

I found Tom Price’s talk “Recreating Ourselves in the Image of the Master”  very helpful in viewing everything from the right perspective.  If you have time please check them out on youtube    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8l5aDSqw2QY

I also found this course by Sarah McCrum very helpful in my relationship with others, and understanding why people do and say the things they do.


Prayer, meditation and relaxation is also very helpful in creating a clear and peaceful mind. You are more than welcome to join my online guided Relaxation/Meditation sessions if you like. You can check them out on my website www.FiroozehBowden.com. Hope to see you soon.

Remember, we are noble beings.  Our place is not to judge, but to understand.  The sooner we realize we can only change our own perspective, the sooner we have peace of mind.  Our world is a reflection of our thoughts and emotions, so always be loving and kind.  Don’t forget to smile and be positive!

Firoozeh Bowden

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